Friday, June 10, 2011


Good morning one and all.  Here we are one third into June already.  How crazy is that!

How time has flown. it seems like just the other day we were all debating about the soccer world cup and now its in the distant past. The worl cup was not just about soccer though, it was a rebranding of the nation.
For anyone who doesnt know there were some very negative statements put out there about our nation to try and persuade people not to come to South Africa for the soccer world cup. The people that did come,  were told that they need to be very vigilent with their possessions and need to get private security as its not a safe place but after the visitors arriving here they found out that this was not true and even sent messages back to their homes letting family and friends know its a safe and beautiful place.

The fan walk in Cape Town was certainly a highlight and I heard a news reporter on one of our local radio programmes sharing that a visitor had said this was by far the best world cup he had ever been to and the people on the fan walk were not only friendly but he had been invited into the homes of Capetonians for meals and he was impressed that we have trained up our children in the word of God and pray over our meals. How fabulous is that!

Let your light so shine that it will make a way for those around you to find the Way of Life.

Be blessed as the weekend unfolds and know Christ in you is the hope of glory.
As Graham Cooke says (a british prophet living in the States) God loves you whether you change or not. He loves you full stop.

Till next tim


1 comment:

  1. MISS U!!! Roll on Sept!!! Love your writing!!! xxnisey


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