Sunday, May 29, 2011


Hello all my Blog followers.  Trust you are well. Im sure you are wrapping up warmer as the weather gets cooler and cooler. Yes, it looks like winter has arrived whether we are ready or not.  I sometimes want to be in denial and try get by in summer clothing but it is short lived and I dive back into my wardrobe for something more suitable.
As the season changes so we too adjust to the new season and before long all the past seasons outfits will be packed away until summer comes around once again.
In the Spirit we also have to adjust our lives according to the Spirit. We need to be led by the Spirit and not the lusts of the flesh. The flesh wants to respond to the things of easy gratification and instant answers but the way of the Spirit is to beable to deny the carnal dictates and to follow after the leading of the HolySpirit. The Holy Spirit leads us into truth and He dirrects us to the will of the Father therefore anything less than truth is not of the Spirit but of the carnal nature.
This is a day of visitation and the time of the Supernatural workings of our God. He who began a good work in us will complete that work in us as we allow the Holy Spirit access to our lives.
So let us make ourselves ready and invite the Holy Spirit to teach us the ways of the Spirit.
The word of God says in Jeremiah, Call unto Me and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things. How awesome is that. As we call out for the visitation of God, He promises to show us things that we have not known up until now. Thats the very Father coming to us His children and opening His ways to us in power and might. The Word of God also says, we have not because we do not ask and if we ask the Father anything in Jesus name He will give it to us. Again this is awesome. Do you see it..... We are designed and purposed for the Father to visit us and to speak to us and to show us those things that He wants to reveal to us His children. We are not walking in the dark. We are children of the Light and He reveals to us the ways of truth therefore no man can decieve us as we call unto the Father.
Let us continue to seek the Father and allow the Holy Spirit to lead us into truth. No man comes to the Father other than through the Son Jesus Christ. Father, Son and Holy Spirit bear witness with your spirit that you are saved from sin, forgiven,washed in the blood, filled with the Spirit, equipped and called for a destiny and sure future. Dont get distracted. Dont let the enemy shipwreck you. Hold fast to your calling. Christ in you is the hope of Glory. This is a day of His visitation may your response be Yes Lord!

I trust that you are wrapped in the love of the Father today as you read this knowing that your future is in His hands and that the love of God will never leave you. He who began that good work in you will complete it untill the day of Jesus Christ.

Gods richest blessings now and always


1 comment:

  1. Thanks Rose. Great, as always :) It's so strange seeing you talk of wonter when we're just coming in to 'proper' summer soon over here...wrap up and get cozy xxx


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