Monday, October 26, 2015

2015/2016. ...where to now.

Hi to you all... you are His precious possession and the apple of His eye.
Do not allow the enemy to discourage you through the media and negative reports.
God who has started a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ.

We are in the season of increase and release.

This is the year of jubilee and what you've dreamt of is still in your future ready to manifest. Nothing and no one can cut short what has been decreed over your life by the Father. He is the giver of Life and of good gifts and even as He has used your life in the past He wants to release you to bigger things in this cross over season from more to much more.
Though you've been stretched in this time it's not without purpose...He has been fashioning you for His glory. . Shaping is not a punishment  it's a preparation for that bigger place and space.

This year which in the Jewish calendar is 5776 is the year of seeing...and also of shining like the day and of establishment.
Rise up with wings of Papa eagle and fly now.
It's your time.



  1. Amen to increase and release! Amen to wings like eagles! Love to you precious Rose xxx

  2. Awesome! Thanks Rose! We recieve this word! And WE BELIEVE with great expectation!!!! So great to read your blog again my precious friend and mentor! Love you


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