Monday, October 31, 2011

Good Day and a Good season to Celebrate.

Yay, its the 1st of November, How fabulous is that. Nearly the end of 2011 but still time to enjoy this time frame of expectation. Look back at this year as it passes quickly now and call to rememberance some of the hopes and dreams you had as you set out in the early days of 2011. Some of the desires and dreams would have come to pass others came into view but maybe didnt materialise as yet, thats ok, because we still have some weeks in 2011 and alot of years ahead of us still. Dont pack those dreams and desires away too quickly but rather put them up on your new calender for this coming year. We live life too fast and want it all in view now, but God knows exactly what He is doing with our lives and delayed gratification is not a bad thing. Life is not a sprint, but rather a journey. Stop and smell the roses and appreciate the view. Take it a day at a time, loving God, loving your family and friends. Appreciate one another, give honor to those around you, do acts of kindness and show the love of God to strangers and watch your whole life light up with grace and mercy. So celebrate November and know that the best is yet to come. Have a beautiful day. Your life is beautiful and your dance for the King is breath taking.

Cheering you on.

blessings and celebrations


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