Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Personal Adjustment.

During 2009 I heard the Lord say in my spirit that 2010 was going to be a gateway year into the supernatural and the choices we make in this next season will determine where we are heading and positioned for the future.
2010 is nearly spent and just last month I was once again enquiring of the Lord why it seemed so dark and difficult with many of His children feeling discouraged and the Lord impressed on me that this is a short period of personal adjustment in the lives of His people to prepare us for His shift and outpouring.
So if you have felt like you have lost the plot you havent.  All that God has promised you is still to come. He will not forsake His children or delay what He has declared over your life and written about your life in the book of days.
Read Ps139 and Jer 29 and you will see that He has promised us that He has given us a hope and a future, a plan to bless us and not to harm us. Yes my friends if God be for us who can be against us. Nothing can ever seperate us from the love of God. Not life nor death, not powers or principalities, not what has happened in the past nor what is ahead in the future. God has stored up good things for those who love Him and are called by His name. We children of the living God so fear not. Press in and look full into His wonderful
face and the things of the earth will grow strangely dim in light of His glory and grace.
Yes, there are some adjustments but the future is glorious. 2011 will see us being placed perfectly into the call and purposes of God and we will experience His supernatural presence as the glory of the Lord covers the earth as the waters even cover the sea.
So do not faint and do not give up but instead gird up your loins and allow the Almighty and Powerful God who is the lover of your soul to connect you once again with your original mandate.
Remember the fervent and effectual prayers of the saints avail much.

We are called by God and He has full confidence in us so press on and access the doors of God for this new season.
 Remember Ps 23 says Goodness and Mercy will follow you ALL the days of your life.
Untill next time.



  1. I love this - Thanks s much for being WONDERFUL you!!! You are a ROSE with a heart of GOLD!!! xxx

  2. Thanks for your comment dear friend. God is holding your hand and running into a new place with you. Just wait and see. X


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