Tuesday, November 10, 2020

The King of Hearts - Tuesday 10/11/2020

 Hello to you all. Time goes so fast. When I take a look on my blog I realize that I havnt been as consistent as I would like to be.

The title of this message is The King of hearts. That is Jesus. He is the King of our hearts. 

The heart is the wellspring of life and out of the heart the mouth speaks. So I encourage you to watch over your heart and don’t allow the weeds of bitterness and anger to  grow. 

Take all your cares to Jesus for He cares for you. He is always available and hears your hearts cry. 

He hears the faintest cry and knows all about the situation you find yourself in right now. He knows the past and gives you Hope for the future. He can take what seems to be failing and turn it around for your good and His Glory. 

Today He whispers in your ear - I love you my child, I will never leave you, I know you have endured much and have struggled to keep going. I am your Father and the creator of all things and that includes breakthrough. Don’t weary yourself out fighting with devils - lean into Me and let Me be your defender and protector. I will represent you and speak on your behalf. 

Nothing is impossible with Me. 

Quiet down all the noise and remind yourself who you are my child. You are mine, you are forgiven, you are redeemed, you have been set free. Stand in the liberty I have purchased on your behalf.  It’s paid for in full ... 

come on now - it’s time to stand up fully in brave heart courage and be you. 

You can do this because I have given you all that you need to be phenomenal. You win. 

Friday, May 15, 2020

A day never seen before

If anyone had told me a year ago that the world was going to come to a standstill I would have wondered what drug they were on.

I don’t think any of us had anticipated such a day other in the movies.

So 2020 started and we were all pumped and ready for, not only a new year but a new decade.
We knew through many prophetic voices that 2020 was the year of the mouth.. to decree and declare
abd to speak up what the Father was saying and what we were hearing in the Spirit.

We were flexing our spiritual muscles in anticipation for this incredible season and anticipating coming into inheritance.

What a shock when it all seemed to some to an abrupt holt.

When the announcement was made that we would go into full lockdown for 3 weeks it sounded like an invitation for a break from all the madness of life.

So that was the initial response but now we find ourselves deep into lockdown with no real promises of the future anywhere in site.

We can either sink into deep despair while wringing our hands with fear and worry or we can turn our eyes on Jesus and look into His wonderful face. I would like to suggest the latter.
The Bible clearly says that we are to see to it that we do not worry and we should cast off fear.

So I will be writing a series of blog posts about this day we are in a some encouragement on how to navigate through this unusual day.

 ♦️Let’s move away from everything being blamed on a conspiracy.
  ♦️ Let’s put our trust and hope in God
   ♦️Let’s use this time to return to worship and pray.
    ♦️Let’s encourage one another and find ways to bless.

Conclusion:- If God be for us who can be against against us.
Prayer- Father God we know that you are not caught by surprise in these circumstances and that You watch over the affairs of Your household. Thank You Papa God for taking us through this time and calming the storm of fear and uncertainty.
Help us to keep our focus on You. We thank You in a Jesus name. Amen.