The sun is shining, the birds are tweeting and the bees are buzzing around the flowers. I think we could say its a perfect Cape Town summers day.
I love getting up early in the mornings because I think its the best time of any day.
I get time to reflect and its also time for fresh head space to dream about destiny and purpose.
God is a Father.....Our Father.....Your Father and He loves watching us grow in identity, destiny, purpose and passion.
We have crossed from 2012 into 2013 according to dates on a calendar but we also have to cross into this new season spiritually, mentally and emotionally.
Take hold of new oppertunity, allow yourself the privelage of a spiritual makeover.
Maybe you think I am talking descovering a new religeon. I am not!
When I suggest a spiritual makeover I am speaking about a fresh place in you spiritual journey with Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Call on the Lord Jesus and ask the Holy Spirit to make you sensitive to His voice so that He can lead you. That is the Holy Spirits function. Father sent Him to us as comforter, teacher and counselor.
When we ask the Father to help us He hears our call. Jesus is our healer and even in areas where we have pulled back because of hurt or dissapointment we can call out and ask for healing. Jesus came to heal the broken hearted and set the captive free.
Dont allow hurt to keep you in unforgiveness.
Call out today for healing and allow the love of the Father to heal you. Now start dreaming again. Its a new day.
People may change but Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever.
Friday is a good day for a new start.
I pray you walk in the peace of the Father.
He loves you totally and without measure.