Sunday, February 17, 2013

Good Season.

Its so awesome to experience the love and joy of the Father. He gives His children good gifts and He has plans for us that cannot fail. If you are walking in a difficult season know that He will lead you in good pastures and lead you to still waters the way ahead will be far greater than what lies behind you so push your heart forward.

In stillness and quietness you will become strong. Silence all the voices that crowd in and behold Him who holds your future in His hand. His plan is to prosper you.

A good season to cross over from dissapointment and to go deeper.

Have a great journey if discovery of Fathers kind nature.

Cheering you on


Friday, February 1, 2013

Fabulous Friday

The sun is shining, the birds are tweeting and the bees are buzzing around the flowers. I think we could say its a perfect Cape Town summers day.

I love getting up early in the mornings because I think its the best time of any day.
I get time to reflect and its  also time for fresh head space to dream about destiny and purpose.

God is a Father.....Our Father.....Your Father and He loves watching us grow in identity, destiny, purpose and passion.
We have crossed from 2012 into 2013 according to dates on a calendar but we also have to cross into this new season spiritually, mentally and emotionally.
Take hold of new oppertunity, allow yourself the privelage of a spiritual makeover.
Maybe you think I am talking descovering a new religeon. I am not!
When I suggest a spiritual makeover I am speaking about a fresh place in you spiritual journey with Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Call on the Lord Jesus and ask the Holy Spirit to make you sensitive to His voice so that He can lead you. That is the Holy Spirits function. Father sent Him to us as comforter, teacher and counselor.
When we ask the Father to help us He hears our call. Jesus is our healer and even in areas where we have pulled back because of hurt or dissapointment we can call out and ask for healing. Jesus came to heal the broken hearted and set the captive free.
Dont allow hurt to keep you in unforgiveness.
Call out today for healing and allow the love of the Father to heal you. Now start dreaming again. Its a new day.

People may change but Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever.

Friday is a good day for a new start.

I pray you walk in the peace of the Father.
He loves you totally and without measure.


Thursday, January 31, 2013

The things I love

At the end of this Thursday and before settling down to rest and have God dreams I thought I would do a few shots of some things I love. Like shoes.

Thursday chatter.

Hello everyone. How has your day been?
I trust its been good as our God is incredibly good, gracious and kind.

Think on these things that are good, pleasing and acceptable before God.

May you experience peace in your inner being as you rest tonight and kook firward to Fabulous Friday.


Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Wonderful Wednesday

What a great day Wednesday can be. It is smack bang in the middle of the week.
Whether the week has been good or bad Wednesday seems to be the day to catch your breath and even start again on the other foot.

Isaiah 9v6  says our God is WONDERFUL now that a reason to celebrate.

I totally love this piece in Isaiah 9 He is Wonderful and He is also Everlasting Father and The Prince of Peace.

So when you feel stressed out you can call on His peace.

I also love that He is Everlasting Father....Do you get it EVERLASTING.....never a day or moment when He isnt Father to us. Thats totally awesome. He doesnt reject us, forsake us or abandon us. He speaks words of love and encouragement over us.

Jeremiah 29v11 says For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.

What a wonderful, kind, consistent, everlasting Father.

Hope your Wednesday has been "Wonderful Wednesday" because God is wonderful.

Rest well tonight in the love of the Father.

Feel free to leave a comment.


Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Terrific Tuesday

Tuesday is one day away from the beginning of the week and one day before the middle of the week so it doesnt always seem to be a high priority day. I call it Terrific Tuesday.

We can choose to make any day of the week a good day or a bad, boring day. It is hinged on attitude.

I think a bad attitude can make a beautiful person look ugly. Grace, kindness, love and beauty start on the inside and radiates  from a heart of gratitude. Terrific Tuesday gives us oppertunity to be aware and mindful of how terrific it is that Jesus died for us so we
may have life and life in abundance.

Terrific Tuesday gives us oppertunity to know everything is going turn out alright.

God is our Father and He is everlasting Father which means He never tires if being our Father and He will never abandon us or give up on us, or disown us EVER.....

You may have had a number of challenges today, dont fret, be calm and know that God will step in and be Father in every situation.

Call out to Him, tell Him the whole story good, bad and ugly then get quiet and listen to His Fatherly response. He will heal you,hold you, speak to you and walk with you on this Terrific Tuesday. The day is not over yet!
He who is faithful will help you, He says move over son/daughter let me show you the way.

He makes ALL things beautiful in His time. He is not a hard task master He is a loving Father and He is so proud of you.

Rejoice and be glad this Terrific Tuesday.

I pray that you accept Dads embrace and that your heart will rejoice and be glad.

Till next time know you are of  great value in God.


Monday, January 28, 2013

A new day.

Hello everyone. Once again sorry Ive been quiet on my bkg but here I am.

May 2013 be you best year ever as you run with the Fathers mandate for your life. He is your Father and He loves you. He is also your King and has equipped you to decree and declare His Kingdom which is in us.

Look all around and see the oppertunity to release Gods promises. His blessing is to 1000 generations. They that call upon the name of the Lord will be saved.